History of the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame

The ORGANIZATIONAL/GOVERNMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION category considers organizations or government entities which have demonstrated and/or performed a valuable service or act to benefit fresh water sportfishing within its jurisdiction or the boundaries of its organization whether local, regional or national. Then there is the SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD which recognizes individuals, groups, or organizations for their programs benefitting fresh water angling which clearly are not covered by other recognition categories. New for 2009, the Hall has introduced a LEGENDARY ARTIST category. This category will recognize those artists and photographers, etc., whose works are charcterized by scenes, sculptures and creations which depict fresh water fishes, fresh water sportfishing, fishing tackle and equipment.
Some examples of the individuals that fill some of these categories won’t be a surprise. The Lindner brothers, Ron and Al, have been enshrined in the Hall of Fame along with greats like Curt Gowdy and Ernest Hemingway just to name a few. Greats like Gary Roach and Hank Parker are just a couple of individuals who have been inducted as LEGENDARY ANGLERS.
There have been many great anglers, communicators, guides and fishing ambassadors who have spent their lives promoting a sport they had a passion for. It is these people who are recognized through the Hall of Fame as fulfilling their dreams and creating an environment to promote and expand the great sport of fresh water fishing.
The Hall of Fame also has a well-attended museum. The museum is located in Hayward, WI and not only will you be able to take a trip down memory lane with all the collectibles that are displayed there, but there is a fishing pond and a unique grounds area.